
Description13 step stairlift Brooks super glide, year 2017, very good condition, includes manual and instructions, in good working order
Wirral CH49 3PE
Peter YeePosting for 1y 5m 20d☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆(0)
Active 1y 5m 20d ago
Collection onlyAdded1y 5m 20dID2102916

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I ask for help from Ukraine.

Dear friends, I turn to you for help, I need your help in this difficult period of my life. I am facing serious problems that I can't solve on my own, I'm asking for your help My name is Eugene, I am 29 years old, I live in Ukraine, I am a disabled person of the first group, I have been moving in a wheelchair since I was 15 years old. A bit of my history: when I was 7 years old, I fell ill with a complex and rare disease called “Arteriovenous malformation”, in simple terms, this is a vascular disease that caused paralysis. The treatment carried out had positive results, but at the age of 15 the disease began to progress and put me in a wheelchair. At the moment, I am developing atrophy of the muscles of the legs, as well as a weak muscular system of the back, the fact is that with my disease it is strictly forbidden to engage in physical activity due to weak blood vessels, I would not be able to because 60% of my body is paralyzed, I just I can't feel my legs and part of my back. At the moment, I need an electrical stimulator for the muscles of the legs and back, in order to prevent the development of atrophy, as well as normal blood circulation in the body. Doctors advised me such a device Beurer EM 95 for home use, it stimulates the muscles that I cannot control, it has the attachments I need for the body. If someone has the opportunity to purchase this device for me and send it to me in Ukraine, I will be immensely grateful to you. The fact is that in Ukraine it costs 2 times more, and the financial situation does not allow me to buy it now. If you have the opportunity to help me, then please write to me to clarify and confirm my identity for you, as well as evidence on my part that I really need this help. Thank you! Here is a link to such a device: ***************************************************************************************** To contact me Telegram:*********************** Email : ********************
